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AMS Spring Potluck and Mushroom Rummage Sale

  • 15 Mar 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • VFW Post 720 - 4853 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85018


When: Saturday March 15, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Where: VFW Post 720, 4853 E Thomas Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85018

What: Potluck time!! Share your favorite fungi food, get to know your mushroom mates, play some brain-teasing trivia, and participate in the mushroom rummage sale!

How: No registration needed... just show up and hang out!

We will have AMS hats ($20). 

----- Rummage Sale -----

Please bring any of your unwanted fungi-related books, clothing, knick-knacks, baskets, dehydrators, dishes, pictures, etc. for donation between 12pm - 1pm and we will be making them available to everyone for sale at bargain prices! Mushroom-related items only!! This is a chance to share your unwanted mushroom goods and support AMS efforts such as the Dr. Leathers Scholarship for mycological graduate students.

Intake for the rummage sale will be from Noon - 1pm, with items starting on sale at 2:30pm. Cash preferred for ease of transaction, card payments will be available as well.

------ Mushroom Trivia -------

AMS board members Julie Trotta and Spencer Wimmer are going to have you scratching your head and wrinkling your brow as you rattle those brain cells for answers the very first Mushroom Trivia Challenge!

You don't have to be a fungi expert to play. There will be questions for all skill levels and prizes for those who win!!!

------ Potluck Plans -------

If you can, please bring a dish to share at the potluck according to the following assignment:

Feel free to make a print out talking about your dish!

If your last name begins with letter A-H, please bring a side dish or salad; if I-P please bring a dessert; if Q-Z please bring a main dish.

AMS will provide plastic utensils, paper plates, cups, water, etc.!  The venue will have a cash bar, please do not bring any alcohol.

Please bring the proper utensil with which to serve your dish. If the dish is to be served hot, bring your own crock-pot, skillet, etc. and extension cord to be plugged in. There will be electricity on site.  

If you bring a dish containing wild-picked mushrooms, you should note that sharing of mushrooms between members is at the sole risk of the individuals involved, and should comply with the Society's safety guidelines.

------ Directions for Parking at VFW 720 -------

Please enter the parking lot of VFW 720 from the west side of the building on Thomas Rd., as shown here:

There is ample parking in the back. When entering the building from the parking lot, please walk past the first entrance, which goes to the bar, and continue to the main entrance to the event hall (we will have a sign out front).

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The AMS is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, tax-deductible Arizona non-profit corporation.

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