The 2017 Annual Holiday Potluck Dinner & Member Meeting of The Arizona Mushroom Society, Inc., will be held Saturday, December 9th, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. It will take place at the Maricopa County Extension Service Building, located at 4341 East Broadway in Phoenix, Arizona. The entrance (easy to miss in the dark) is on the South side of Broadway Rd, about 30 feet east of the Traffic Light at 43rd Place.
Door prizes will be given out. Lots of door prizes, thanks to the efforts of Beth Bilodeau!
If you can, please bring a dish to share at the potluck according to the following assignment:
If your last name begins with letters Q-Z, please bring a salad or side dish; if A-H please bring a dessert; if I-P please bring a main dish.
Of course, please bring the proper utensil with which to serve the dish. If the dish is to be served hot, bring your own crock-pot, skillet, etc. and extension cord to be plugged in.
If you bring a dish containing wild-picked mushrooms, you should note that sharing of mushrooms between members is at the sole risk of the individuals involved, and should comply with the Society's published safety guidelines.
Coffee, soft drinks, ice, paper plates, cups and plastic utensils will be provided by the Club. The Club will also provide a cooked ham.
Our speaker will be mycologist Daniel Winkler, proprietor of the Mushroaming myco-tourism company, who travels the world in search of exotic fungi. Those of you with an interest in the medicinal Cordyceps found in Tibet and Mongolia will be particularly interested in hearing his presentation.

We will soon be electing two members of the Board of Directors by email. At present, only one person is running. We really need volunteers for the job of running our Society, so please consider stepping up. If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else for the Board, please inform the Society President and try to come to the meeting so you can tell the membership about your candidacy.
Speaking of volunteering, we will also be recruiting committee chairs and members at the meeting. Remember that this club is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that can only thrive if its members get involved with its management. Look over the various committee pages and think about where your talents might be best used.
If you have a photograph of an interesting mushroom or other fungus, or a dried specimen to display, or a mushroom-related work of art or handicrafts, feel free to bring that along to set up on our display table.
Mark your calendars for December 9th, 2017 and plan to attend the 2017 Winter Potluck!