The Arizona Mushroom Society is proud to announce that the 2024 Dr. Chester Leathers Graduate Student Scholarship has been awarded to four graduate students engaged in the study of mycology in an Arizona college or university this year!
This scholarship is a valuable opportunity for the Arizona Mushroom Society to support individuals pursuing the study of mycology in Arizona and to honor Arizona Mushroom Club founder and mycologist, Dr. Chester Leathers.
This year's scholarship awards go to...
Danika Thiele - Danika is working on a Masters of Science and Policy at Northern Arizona University. She is studying the arbuscular fungi of Saguaro Cacti in habitat with varying fire history and invasive species presence to support Saguaro conservation.

Andrew Henning - Andrew is in a Masters of Science program at the School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University. His work focuses on identifying native bioactive endophytes and their metabolites in northern AZ Ponderosa pine.

Ri Corwin - Ri is studying for a Masters in the Biology Department under Dr. Catherine Gehring at Northern Arizona University and transitioning into a PhD program. Her area of study is focusing on the effects of climate change on arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal fungi.

Kirby Morris - Kirby is is studying for a Masters in the Biology Department under Dr. Catherine Gehring at Northern Arizona University. His studies include an assessment of Geopora abundance under drought and whether or not they are associated with drought tolerant or intolerant pinyon trees.